Nestled in the heart of Sumatra lies one of the world’s last remaining tropical paradises, Gunung Leuser National Park. Spanning over 7,927 square kilometers, this UNESCO World Heritage site is a haven of biodiversity. It is a home to an array of flora and fauna found nowhere else on Earth. Among its most celebrated residents is the endangered Sumatran orangutan. For the intrepid traveler seeking an unforgettable adventure, a jungle trekking tour through this rainforest offers a rare glimpse into a world untouched by time.

Getting to Bukit-Lawang

✈️ By plane: Medan, the capital of North Sumatra, is the primary entry point for travelers heading to Bukit Lawang. The city’s Kualanamu International Airport (KNO) is well-connected with several international cities.

From the airport, your tour guide can pick you up to Bukit Lawang. Count around 4-5 hours to arrive to the final destination.

Important to know!

It’s mandatory to visit Gunung Lesuer National Park with a guide. When planning your trip, be aware that there’s also a daily entrance fee to the national park which you’ll need to pay. We picked Bukit Lawang Jungle Trekking and we can only recommend!

Best time to Visit ☀️

Dry Season (April to October): the weather is generally pleasant, with less rainfall and lower humidity, making trekking and outdoor activities more enjoyable. Orangutans and other wildlife are more active and easier to spot during this period.

What to wear 🚨

Bring appropriate gear for jungle trekking, including sturdy hiking shoes, insect repellent, a rain jacket, and a hat. Pack waterproof clothing, long sleeve and pants are recommended. 

Respect the jungle 🧡

When observing orangutans and other wildlife, maintain a respectful distance and listen your guide to minimize disturbance and impact.

Stay Hydrated 🚰

Make sure to stay hydrated in the heat and humidity by drinking lots of water. During our hike, we took couple of breaks, and our guides bring a lot of fruits for everyone. 🤤

Health Precautions 🩺

Not mandatory but consider vaccinations and malaria prophylaxis before traveling. Carry a basic first-aid kit.

Exploring Gunung Leuser National Park

Is it difficult?

Embarking on a jungle trek in Gunung Leuser National Park is an incredible experience, but it’s important to know what to expect. The hike can be challenging, particularly due to the humidity, but it’s manageable for most people.

During our trek, we encountered people of all ages. The guides are skilled at tailoring the trek to fit your fitness level and age, so there’s no need to worry. If you have concerns, discuss them with your guide beforehand to explore different options.

For a less strenuous experience, consider a trek that includes river tubing. You’ll hike through the rainforest and then float down the Bohorok River back to Bukit Lawang, giving your legs a well-deserved rest.

How much time do you require in Bukit Lawang?

Our tour guides offer different package, from 3 hours to 5 days in the jungle. We picked a night. Sleeping in the jungle, surrounded by the sounds of wildlife, is both exhilarating and humbling. For the best experience, we’d recommend spending at least 2-3 days in Bukit Lawang. 

The longer you trek through the jungle, the higher your chances are to spot wildlife.

What wildlife can you see during the trek?

One of the most thrilling moments of the trek is the chance to observe the Sumatran orangutan in its natural habitat. These majestic creatures, with their distinctive reddish fur and soulful eyes, share 97% of their DNA with humans, making encounters particularly profound.

Also, you can encounter a wide variety of wildlife like Thomas’s Leaf Monkeys, Long-tailed Macaques, birds like Hornbills, plenty of reptiles and insects…

Our experience with our tour guide, Bukit Lawang Jungle Trekking. ❤️

First, we entered the dense forest and met a poisonous snake (all good they’re nocturnal). The tone was set tho. 🤣  The air was fresh and filled with the sounds of nature. Tall trees towered above us. Their thick canopies provided cool shade. We saw many unique plants and flowers. Each step revealed something new and exciting.

Soon after, we heard rustling in the trees. Our guide whispered, « Orangutans. » We looked up and saw them – a magical moments! Moreover, we encountered various animals. Monkeys chattered in the trees. Colorful butterflies and birds sang beautiful songs. The diversity of wildlife was incredible.

After hours of trekking, we reached our campsite by the river. The path is narrow and sometimes steep. However, the guide ensures our safety at all times. The camp is a simple setup, but comfortable. After a quick shower in the river, we rest and enjoy a delicious meal prepared by our guide. It was amazing to see how well they could cook using just a fire. As night falls, the jungle comes alive. We hear the calls of nocturnal animals. The stars above are bright and numerous. Sleeping in the jungle is a unique experience. It’s both thrilling and peaceful.

The next morning, we woke up to the chorus of birds. The forest was bathed in the soft light of dawn. We carried on with our journey after breakfast to make our way to a key spot along the Bohorok River. We then floated down the river on tubes all the way back to Bukit Lawang. This way, you can spare your legs from having to hike back!

Our expert guides were extremely kinds. Knowledgeable about the ecosystem, they led us through winding trails, pointing out unique plant species and hidden wildlife along the way. The trek was challenging but rewarding. We definitely left with a deeper appreciation for nature. 

Photography Tips
  • Lenses: A versatile zoom lens (24-70mm) for general shots and a telephoto lens (70-200mm) for wildlife photography. A macro lens can be great for capturing small details like insects and plants.
  • Focus on the Eyes: When photographing animals, focus on their eyes to create engaging and compelling images.
  • Low Light: Rainforests can be dark, so be prepared to increase your ISO settings.
  • No drone

A jungle trekking tour in this National Park is more than just a journey through a jungle; it is an immersive experience that reconnects you with nature. It is also a crucial stronghold for conservation. The park plays a vital role in protecting the diverse species that call it home, including the Sumatran orangutan, Sumatran tiger, and Sumatran rhinoceros. By participating in a jungle trekking tour, you contribute to the ongoing efforts to preserve this unique environment and its inhabitants.

Bon voyage!!! J&T