Visit beautiful places without the crowd!

Visiting beautiful spots usually comes with dealing with crowds and tourist traps! And honeslty, it can take away the peaceful vibe and beauty of your trip. If you want to see stunning places without all the chaos, check out these tips to enhance your adventure.

Travel During Off-Peak Seasons

Timing is crucial when seeking peace and quiet. Visit popular destinations during their off-peak seasons or shoulder seasons. For instance, avoid school holidays (if you have kids no worries keep reading 😂), long weekends, and major festivals. Research the low and high seasons for your destination, and plan your trip for the quieter periods.

Embrace Slow Travel (or try 😂)

Slow travel encourages a deeper connection with your destination by spending more time in fewer places. Rather than rushing through multiple locations, focus on immersing yourself in one area. This approach allows you to explore more thoroughly and enjoy a more relaxed pace, avoiding the stress and hurry of trying to see everything at once.

Connect with Locals

Chatting with locals can really help you find those peaceful spots and hidden gems. They usually have the scoop on the best places to check out that aren’t overrun by tourists. So, don’t hesitate to start a conversation, ask for their favorite spots, and be ready to explore some off-the-beaten-path areas that are full of charm and serenity.

Opt for Lesser-Known Destinations
Sure, famous landmarks are cool and all, but checking out the less popular places can be way more relaxing. Instead of sticking to the usual tourist traps, why not hunt for some hidden gems or up-and-coming spots that aren’t swamped with visitors yet? Quaint little towns, countryside areas, and off-the-beaten-path natural wonders can give you a chill vibe and just as much beauty.
Explore Early or Late in the Day

The early bird catches the worm—or in this case, the serene sunrise. Visiting popular spots early in the morning or later in the evening can help you avoid crowds. Sunrise and sunset often provide the best lighting for photography, adding a magical quality to your images while you enjoy a quieter atmosphere. That’s how we ended up completely alone in this touristic village for example!


Embrace Nature

Natural landscapes often offer tranquility away from the crowds. Explore national parks, nature reserves, and scenic hiking trails. Whether it’s a secluded beach, a hidden waterfall, or a serene forest, immersing yourself in nature’s beauty can be a refreshing escape from bustling tourist areas. 


Stay Off the Beaten Path

Staying in less touristy spots can really give you a chill vibe. Instead of grabbing a room right in the middle of all the hustle and bustle, think about finding a place in a nearby town or village. This way, you’ll dodge the noise and get a real taste of local life and culture.

Travel Independently

Group tours and large travel packages often involve crowds and rigid schedules. Opting for independent travel gives you the flexibility to explore at your own pace. Renting a car or using local transportation allows you to venture to less frequented spots and create a personalized itinerary.


So yes, to enjoy breathtaking places without the crowds, plan ahead and seek hidden gems. Visit at the right time. Avoid tourist spots by going early morning. Be mindful while traveling. This helps you appreciate the beauty and calm. Enjoy peace and make your trips unforgettable.

Feel free to send us a DM on Instagram if you have more tips, we will be happy to share them. Bon voyage !!! J&T